On Sunday morning, Israeli soldiers invaded Abu Dis town, east of the occupied Palestinian capital, Jerusalem, in the West Bank, killed three young Palestinian men and injured six, including three who suffered serious wounds, in addition to demolishing parts of a home.

Several armored Israeli military vehicles, including bulldozers, invaded Abu Dis and surrounded a home before demolishing parts of it, leading to massive protests.

Local sources said the soldiers surrounded the home to abduct what the armed claimed were armed Palestinian resistance fighters and fired shells at the property, killing a young man.

Medical sources have confirmed that the soldiers killed Nabil Abdul-Rauf Halabiyya, 20, in the bombed home.

The soldiers then used the calf of one of their bulldozers to carry and remove the corpse of the slain young man.

Many Palestinians protested the invasion and the killing of the young man before the soldiers fatally shot Mousa Dia’ Mousa Zarour, 22, and Mohannad Ahmad Affana, 20, and injured six Palestinians, including three who suffered life-threatening wounds.

In related news, the soldiers fired many live rounds at a Palestinian car near Halhoul bridge, north of Hebron, wounding two young Palestinian men.

In Nablus, in the northern West Bank, the soldiers invaded Osarin village, south of the city, leading to protests, and shot a young man, 22, with live rounds in the leg.